Source code for snimpy.basictypes

# snimpy -- Interactive SNMP tool
# Copyright (C) Vincent Bernat <>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

This module is aimed at providing Pythonic representation of
various SNMP types. Each SMIv2 type is mapped to a corresponding class
which tries to mimic a basic type from Python. For example, display
strings are like Python string while SMIv2 integers are just like
Python integers. This module is some kind of a hack and its use
outside of *Snimpy* seems convoluted.

import sys
import struct
import socket
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from pysnmp.proto import rfc1902

from snimpy import mib

PYTHON3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
    def ord2(x):
        return x

    def chr2(x):
        return bytes([x & 0xff])

    unicode = str
    long = int
    ord2 = ord

    def chr2(x):
        return chr(x & 0xff)

def ordering_with_cmp(cls):
    ops = {'__lt__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) < 0,
           '__gt__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) > 0,
           '__le__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) <= 0,
           '__ge__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) >= 0,
           '__eq__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) == 0,
           '__ne__': lambda self, other: self.__cmp__(other) != 0}
    for opname, opfunc in ops.items():
        opfunc.__name__ = opname
        opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
        setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
    return cls

[docs]class Type(object): """Base class for all types.""" def __new__(cls, entity, value, raw=True): """Create a new typed value. :param entity: A :class:`mib.Node` instance :param value: The value to set :param raw: Whetever the raw value is provided (as opposed to a user-supplied value). This parameter is important when the provided input is ambiguous, for example when it is an array of bytes. :type raw: bool :return: an instance of the new typed value """ if entity.type != cls: raise ValueError("MIB node is {0}. We are {1}".format(entity.type, cls)) if cls == OctetString and entity.fmt is not None: # Promotion of OctetString to String if we have unicode stuff if isinstance(value, (String, unicode)) or not raw: cls = String if not isinstance(value, Type): value = cls._internal(entity, value) else: value = cls._internal(entity, value._value) if issubclass(cls, unicode): self = unicode.__new__(cls, value) elif issubclass(cls, bytes): self = bytes.__new__(cls, value) elif issubclass(cls, long): self = long.__new__(cls, value) else: self = object.__new__(cls) self._value = value self.entity = entity if cls == OctetString and entity.fmt is not None: # A display-hint propose to use only ascii and UTF-8 # chars. We promote an OCTET-STRING to a DisplayString if # we have a format. This means we won't be able to access # individual bytes in this format, only the full displayed # version. value = String._internal(entity, self) self = unicode.__new__(String, value) self._value = value self.entity = entity if isinstance(self, String): # Ensure that strings follow their format, if it is applied. # This is safer and simpler than toOid, as it does not do # additional validation. self._toBytes() return self @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): """Get internal value for a given value.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def pack(self): """Prepare the instance to be sent on the wire.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def toOid(self): """Convert to an OID. If this function is implemented, then class function :meth:`fromOid` should also be implemented as the "invert" function of this one. This function only works if the entity is used as an index! Otherwise, it should raises NotImplementedError. :return: An OID that can be used as index """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): """Create instance from an OID. This is the sister function of :meth:`toOid`. :param oid: The OID to use to create an instance :param entity: The MIB entity we want to instantiate :return: A couple `(l, v)` with `l` the number of suboids needed to create the instance and `v` the instance created from the OID """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
@classmethod def _fixedOrImplied(cls, entity): """Determine if the given entity is fixed-len or implied. This function is an helper that is used for String and Oid. When converting a variable-length type to an OID, we need to prefix it by its len or not depending of what the MIB say. :param entity: entity to check :return: "fixed" if it is fixed-len, "implied" if implied var-len, `False` otherwise """ if entity.ranges and not isinstance(entity.ranges, (tuple, list)): # Fixed length return "fixed" # We have a variable-len string/oid. We need to know if it is implied. try: table = entity.table except: raise NotImplementedError( "{0} is not an index of a table".format(entity)) indexes = [str(a) for a in table.index] if str(entity) not in indexes: raise NotImplementedError( "{0} is not an index of a table".format(entity)) if str(entity) != indexes[-1] or not table.implied: # This index is not implied return False return "implied" def __str__(self): return str(self._value) def __repr__(self): try: return '<{0}: {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) except: return '<{0} ????>'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class IpAddress(Type): """Class representing an IP address/""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = ".".join([str(a) for a in value]) elif isinstance(value, bytes): try: value = socket.inet_ntoa(value) except: pass try: value = socket.inet_ntoa(socket.inet_aton(value)) except: raise ValueError("{0!r} is not a valid IP".format(value)) return [int(a) for a in value.split(".")] def pack(self): return ( rfc1902.IpAddress( str(".".join(["{0:d}".format(x) for x in self._value]))) ) def toOid(self): return tuple(self._value) @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): if len(oid) < 4: raise ValueError( "{0!r} is too short for an IP address".format(oid)) return (4, cls(entity, oid[:4])) def __str__(self): return ".".join([str(a) for a in self._value]) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, IpAddress): try: other = IpAddress(self.entity, other) except: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover if self._value == other._value: return 0 if self._value < other._value: return -1 return 1 def __getitem__(self, nb): return self._value[nb]
class StringOrOctetString(Type): def toOid(self): # To convert properly to OID, we need to know if it is a # fixed-len string, an implied string or a variable-len # string. b = self._toBytes() if self._fixedOrImplied(self.entity): return tuple(ord2(a) for a in b) return tuple([len(b)] + [ord2(a) for a in b]) def _toBytes(self): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): type = cls._fixedOrImplied(entity) if type == "implied": # Eat everything return (len(oid), cls(entity, b"".join([chr2(x) for x in oid]))) if type == "fixed": l = entity.ranges if len(oid) < l: raise ValueError( "{0} is too short for wanted fixed " "string (need at least {1:d})".format(oid, l)) return (l, cls(entity, b"".join([chr2(x) for x in oid[:l]]))) # This is var-len if not oid: raise ValueError("empty OID while waiting for var-len string") l = oid[0] if len(oid) < l + 1: raise ValueError( "{0} is too short for variable-len " "string (need at least {1:d})".format(oid, l)) return ( (l + 1, cls(entity, b"".join([chr2(x) for x in oid[1:(l + 1)]]))) ) def pack(self): return rfc1902.OctetString(self._toBytes())
[docs]class OctetString(StringOrOctetString, bytes): """Class for a generic octet string. This class should be compared to :class:`String` which is used to represent a display string. This class is usually used to store raw bytes, like a bitmask of VLANs. """ @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): # Internally, we are using bytes if isinstance(value, bytes): return value if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode("ascii") return bytes(value) def _toBytes(self): return self._value def __ior__(self, value): nvalue = [ord2(u) for u in self._value] if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] for v in value: if not isinstance(v, (int, long)): raise NotImplementedError( "on string, bit-operation are limited to integers") if len(nvalue) < (v >> 3) + 1: nvalue.extend([0] * ((v >> 3) + 1 - len(self._value))) nvalue[v >> 3] |= 1 << (7 - v % 8) return self.__class__(self.entity, b"".join([chr2(i) for i in nvalue])) def __isub__(self, value): nvalue = [ord2(u) for u in self._value] if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] for v in value: if not isinstance(v, int) and not isinstance(v, long): raise NotImplementedError( "on string, bit-operation are limited to integers") if len(nvalue) < (v >> 3) + 1: continue nvalue[v >> 3] &= ~(1 << (7 - v % 8)) return self.__class__(self.entity, b"".join([chr2(i) for i in nvalue])) return self def __and__(self, value): nvalue = [ord2(u) for u in self._value] if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] for v in value: if not isinstance(v, (int, long)): raise NotImplementedError( "on string, bit-operation are limited to integers") if len(nvalue) < (v >> 3) + 1: return False if not(nvalue[v >> 3] & (1 << (7 - v % 8))): return False return True
[docs]class String(StringOrOctetString, unicode): """Class for a display string. Such a string is an unicode string and it is therefore expected that only printable characters are used. This is usually the case if the corresponding MIB node comes with a format string. With such an instance, the user is expected to be able to provide a formatted. For example, a MAC address could be written `00:11:22:33:44:55`. """ @classmethod def _parseOctetFormat(cls, fmt, j): # repeater if fmt[j] == "*": dorepeat = True j += 1 else: dorepeat = False # length length = "" while fmt[j].isdigit(): length += fmt[j] j += 1 length = int(length) # format format = fmt[j] j += 1 # seperator if j < len(fmt) and \ fmt[j] != "*" and not fmt[j].isdigit(): sep = fmt[j] j += 1 else: sep = "" # terminator if j < len(fmt) and \ fmt[j] != "*" and not fmt[j].isdigit(): term = fmt[j] j += 1 else: term = "" return (j, dorepeat, length, format, sep, term) @classmethod def _fromBytes(cls, value, fmt): i = 0 # Position in value j = 0 # Position in fmt result = "" term = None sep = None while i < len(value): if j < len(fmt): j, dorepeat, length, format, sep, term = cls._parseOctetFormat( fmt, j) # building if dorepeat: repeat = ord2(value[i]) i += 1 else: repeat = 1 for r in range(repeat): bb = value[i:i + length] i += length if format in ['o', 'x', 'd']: if length > 4: raise ValueError( "don't know how to handle integers " "more than 4 bytes long") bb = b"\x00" * (4 - length) + bb number = struct.unpack(b"!l", bb)[0] if format == "o": # In Python2, oct() is 01242, while it is 0o1242 in # Python3 result += "".join(oct(number).partition("o")[0:3:2]) elif format == "x": result += hex(number)[2:] else: # format == "d": result += str(number) elif format == "a": result += bb.decode("ascii") elif format == "t": result += bb.decode("utf-8") else: raise ValueError("{0!r} cannot be represented with " "the given display string ({1})".format( bb, fmt)) result += sep if sep and term: result = result[:-1] result += term if term or sep: result = result[:-1] return result def _toBytes(self): # We need to reverse what was done by `_fromBytes`. This is # not an exact science. In most case, this is easy because a # separator is used but sometimes, this is not. We do some # black magic that will fail. i = 0 j = 0 fmt = self.entity.fmt bb = b"" while i < len(self._value): if j < len(fmt): parsed = self._parseOctetFormat(fmt, j) j, dorepeat, length, format, sep, term = parsed if format == "o": fmatch = "(?P<o>[0-7]{{1,{0}}})".format( int(length * 2.66667) + 1) elif format == "x": fmatch = "(?P<x>[0-9A-Fa-f]{{1,{0}}})".format(length * 2) elif format == "d": fmatch = "(?P<d>[0-9]{{1,{0}}})".format( int(length * 2.4083) + 1) elif format == "a": fmatch = "(?P<a>(?:.|\n){{1,{0}}})".format(length) elif format == "t": fmatch = "(?P<t>(?:.|\n){{1,{0}}})".format(length) else: raise ValueError("{0!r} cannot be parsed due to an " "incorrect format ({1})".format( self._value, fmt)) repeats = [] while True: mo = re.match(fmatch, self._value[i:]) if not mo: raise ValueError("{0!r} cannot be parsed because it " "does not match format {1} at " "index {2}".format(self._value, fmt, i)) if format in ["o", "x", "d"]: if format == "o": r = int("o"), 8) elif format == "x": r = int("x"), 16) else: r = int("d")) result = struct.pack(b"!l", r)[-length:] else: result ="utf-8") i += len( if dorepeat: repeats.append(result) if i < len(self._value): # Approximate... if sep and self._value[i] == sep: i += 1 elif term and self._value[i] == term: i += 1 break else: break else: break if dorepeat: bb += chr2(len(repeats)) bb += b"".join(repeats) else: bb += result if i < len(self._value) and (sep and self._value[i] == sep or term and self._value[i] == term): i += 1 return bb @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): # Internally, we use the displayed string. We have a special # case if the value is an OctetString to do the conversion. if isinstance(value, OctetString): return cls._fromBytes(value._value, entity.fmt) if PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode("utf-8") return unicode(value) def __str__(self): return self._value
[docs]class Integer(Type, long): """Class for any integer.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): return long(value) def pack(self): if self._value >= (1 << 64): raise OverflowError("too large to be packed") if self._value >= (1 << 32): return rfc1902.Counter64(self._value) if self._value >= 0: return rfc1902.Integer(self._value) if self._value >= -(1 << 31): return rfc1902.Integer(self._value) raise OverflowError("too small to be packed") def toOid(self): return (self._value,) @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): if len(oid) < 1: raise ValueError("{0} is too short for an integer".format(oid)) return (1, cls(entity, oid[0])) def __str__(self): if self.entity.fmt: if self.entity.fmt[0] == "x": return hex(self._value) if self.entity.fmt[0] == "o": return oct(self._value) if self.entity.fmt[0] == "b": if self._value == 0: return "0" if self._value > 0: v = self._value r = "" while v > 0: r = str(v % 2) + r v = v >> 1 return r elif self.entity.fmt[0] == "d" and \ len(self.entity.fmt) > 2 and \ self.entity.fmt[1] == "-": dec = int(self.entity.fmt[2:]) result = str(self._value) if len(result) < dec + 1: result = "0" * (dec + 1 - len(result)) + result return "{0}.{1}".format(result[:-2], result[-2:]) return str(self._value)
[docs]class Unsigned32(Integer): """Class to represent an unsigned 32bits integer.""" def pack(self): if self._value >= (1 << 32): raise OverflowError("too large to be packed") if self._value < 0: raise OverflowError("too small to be packed") return rfc1902.Unsigned32(self._value)
[docs]class Unsigned64(Integer): """Class to represent an unsigned 64bits integer.""" def pack(self): if self._value >= (1 << 64): raise OverflowError("too large to be packed") if self._value < 0: raise OverflowError("too small to be packed") return rfc1902.Counter64(self._value)
[docs]class Enum(Integer): """Class for an enumeration. An enumaration is an integer but labels are attached to some values for a more user-friendly display.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): if value in entity.enum: return value for (k, v) in entity.enum.items(): if (v == value): return k try: return long(value) except: raise ValueError("{0!r} is not a valid " "value for {1}".format(value, entity)) def pack(self): return rfc1902.Integer(self._value) @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): if len(oid) < 1: raise ValueError( "{0!r} is too short for an enumeration".format(oid)) return (1, cls(entity, oid[0])) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): try: other = self.__class__(self.entity, other) except: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover return self._value == other._value def __ne__(self, other): return not(self.__eq__(other)) def __str__(self): if self._value in self.entity.enum: return ( "{0}({1:d})".format(self.entity.enum[self._value], self._value) ) else: return str(self._value)
[docs]class Oid(Type): """Class to represent and OID.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return tuple([int(v) for v in value]) elif isinstance(value, str): return tuple([ord2(i) for i in value.split(".") if i]) elif isinstance(value, mib.Node): return tuple(value.oid) else: raise TypeError( "don't know how to convert {0!r} to OID".format(value)) def pack(self): return rfc1902.univ.ObjectIdentifier(self._value) def toOid(self): if self._fixedOrImplied(self.entity): return self._value return tuple([len(self._value)] + list(self._value)) @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): if cls._fixedOrImplied(entity) == "fixed": # A fixed OID? We don't like this. Provide a real example. raise ValueError( "{0!r} seems to be a fixed-len OID index. Odd.".format(entity)) if not cls._fixedOrImplied(entity): # This index is not implied. We need the len if len(oid) < 1: raise ValueError( "{0!r} is too short for a not " "implied index".format(entity)) l = oid[0] if len(oid) < l + 1: raise ValueError( "{0!r} has an incorrect size " "(needs at least {1:d})".format(oid, l)) return (l + 1, cls(entity, oid[1:(l + 1)])) else: # Eat everything return (len(oid), cls(entity, oid)) def __str__(self): return ".".join([str(x) for x in self._value]) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Oid): other = Oid(self.entity, other) if tuple(self._value) == tuple(other._value): return 0 if self._value > other._value: return 1 return -1 def __contains__(self, item): """Test if item is a sub-oid of this OID""" if not isinstance(item, Oid): item = Oid(self.entity, item) return tuple(item._value[:len(self._value)]) == \ tuple(self._value[:len(self._value)])
[docs]class Boolean(Enum): """Class for a boolean.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): if isinstance(value, bool): if value: return Enum._internal(entity, "true") else: return Enum._internal(entity, "false") else: return Enum._internal(entity, value) def __nonzero__(self): if self._value == 1: return True else: return False def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__()
[docs]class Timeticks(Type): """Class for timeticks.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): if isinstance(value, (int, long)): # Value in centiseconds return timedelta(0, value / 100.) elif isinstance(value, timedelta): return value else: raise TypeError( "dunno how to handle {0!r} ({1})".format(value, type(value))) def __int__(self): return self._value.days * 3600 * 24 * 100 + \ self._value.seconds * 100 + \ self._value.microseconds // 10000 def toOid(self): return (int(self),) @classmethod def fromOid(cls, entity, oid): if len(oid) < 1: raise ValueError("{0!r} is too short for a timetick".format(oid)) return (1, cls(entity, oid[0])) def pack(self): return rfc1902.TimeTicks(int(self)) def __str__(self): return str(self._value) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Timeticks): other = other._value elif isinstance(other, (int, long)): other = timedelta(0, other / 100.) elif not isinstance(other, timedelta): raise NotImplementedError( "only compare to int or " "timedelta, not {0}".format(type(other))) if self._value == other: return 0 if self._value < other: return -1 return 1
[docs]class Bits(Type): """Class for bits.""" @classmethod def _internal(cls, entity, value): bits = set() tryalternate = False if isinstance(value, bytes): for i, x in enumerate(value): if ord2(x) == 0: continue for j in range(8): if ord2(x) & (1 << (7 - j)): if j not in entity.enum: tryalternate = True break bits.add(j) if tryalternate: break if not tryalternate: return bits else: bits = set() elif not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)): value = set([value]) for v in value: found = False if v in entity.enum: bits.add(v) found = True else: for (k, t) in entity.enum.items(): if (t == v): bits.add(k) found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("{0!r} is not a valid bit value".format(v)) return bits def pack(self): string = [] for b in self._value: if len(string) < (b >> 4) + 1: string.extend([0] * ((b >> 4) - len(string) + 1)) string[b >> 416] |= 1 << (7 - b % 16) return rfc1902.Bits(b"".join([chr2(x) for x in string])) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = [other] if not isinstance(other, Bits): other = Bits(self.entity, other) return self._value == other._value def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): result = [] for b in sorted(self._value): result.append("{0}({1:d})".format(self.entity.enum[b], b)) return ", ".join(result) def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = [other] if not isinstance(other, Bits): other = Bits(self.entity, other) return len(self._value & other._value) > 0 def __ior__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = [other] if not isinstance(other, Bits): other = Bits(self.entity, other) self._value |= other._value return self def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = [other] if not isinstance(other, Bits): other = Bits(self.entity, other) self._value -= other._value return self
[docs]def build(mibname, node, value): """Build a new basic type with the given value. :param mibname: The MIB to use to locate the entity. :param node: The node that will be attached to this type. :param value: The initial value to set for the type. :return: A :class:`Type` instance """ m = mib.get(mibname, node) t = m.type(m, value) return t

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